Guest Editorial for The Journal Of Medical Thesis
Vol 3 | Issue 1 | Jan - Apr 2015 | page:3 | Dr. K Mohan Iyer.
Author: Dr. K Mohan Iyer.
Retired,Formerly Locum Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,Royal Free Hospital,London,UK.
It gives me tremendous pleasure writing an Editorial for the Journal of Medical Thesis,as I have written three Thesis in my orthopedic career.We all write many thesis on various topics,and I would like to concentrate on the Hip Joint only,as this happens to be my primary interest having worked with late Mr.Geoffrey V Osborne,Senior Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon,University of Liverpool,UK,who had described his Approach to the Hip Joint along with late Professor Brian McFarland,Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Liverpool, UK.
Writing a thesis or a desertation should be analysed from all angles,particularly on the aspects that we learnt as subjects from the beginning,namely,Anatomy,Pathology,Surgery,Medicine,Surgical Anatomy,Surgical Pathology,etc.
The Thesis may be written in a stepwise fashion in the following way:Introduction,Review of literature,Material and Methods,Results,Discussion,Summary,References and Acknowledgments.
Normally a Thesis is compiled of about 30 cases in all.All the cases included in the thesis should have been treated in one particular way only,as it will be easier for the statistician to analyse the data obtained.All important points with respect to the thesis,such as Infection,Dislocation,resuts,etc are noted down in detail.I am at this point very happy to state that I had described an Approach to the Hip Joint way back in 1981.This Approach had appeared initially in the Yearbook of Orthopedics,Campbell's Operative Orthopedics,many others books written on the Hip Joint.I have been inspired and motivated by all these to write a final book entitled `THE HIP JOINT',dedicated to the memory of late Mr.Geoffrey V Osborne.There are more than 100 different approaches to the Hip Joint,but I had devised my Approach based on the increasing number of dislocations recorded in literature,which was reported as high as 8%. Dr.Robert H.Cofield of Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota,USA has been using this approach for the last 25 years with no regrets.He is extremely happy using this approach since I presented it during the Scientific Congress of the AseanOrthopaedic Association in Singapore in 1984.
My well wisher and friend Dr. Robert H Cofield of the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, USA did assign a fellow (Dr.Jaoquin Sanchez Sotelo, MD, PhD)in his University while he was the Professor to study a series of cases done by my Approach and also write an Original Paper on it. He did publish a paper on it in the Belgian Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, wherein he has noted all the positive findings and advantages with respect to this approach.I was in regular touch with Emeritus Professor Robert H Cofield and Dr.Jaoquin Sanchez Sotelo,that they were all extremely happy with the results.This was reported by him and the others in the Department and was: Primary hip arthroplasty through a limited posterior trochnteric osteotomy-JaoquinSanchez-Sotelo,John Gipple,Daniel Berry,Charles Rowland,Robert Cofield(2005)Acta Orthop Belg.,71,548-554.Today,Dr.Joaquin Sanchez Sotelo is a well known Orthopedic Surgeon in the US,and has also written many books till today,with one of his books on the diseases of the Elbow in the 4th Edition.
I would certainly guide all interested students and young Postgraduate Orthopedic Surgeons in India and abroad to note all these aspects in writing an original paper or a Thesis.
1.Primary hip arthroplasty through a limited posterior trochnteric osteotomy-JaoquinSanchez-Sotelo,John Gipple,Daniel Berry,Charles Rowland,Robert Cofield(2005)Acta Orthop Belg.,71,548-554.
How to Cite this Article: Iyer K M. Guest Editorial for The Journal Of Medical Thesis. Journal Medical Thesis 2015 Jan-Apr ; 3(1):3 |
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