Journal of Medical Thesis
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ISSN number ISSN 2347 - 5595
doi: 10.13107/jmt.2347-5595
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Journal of Medical Thesis is now accepting Hypothesis, Ideas and Opinions
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JMT is now accepting Hypothesis, Idea / Opinions for publications. These will undergo strict peer review and will only be considered for publication if found relevant and practical
Guidelines for Publishing a Hypothesis, Idea or Opinion
The submission letter and the title page will remain the same as mentioned in the guidelines to authors. The hypothesis will in addition have an Abstract, Keywords, Background, Hypothesis, Discussion, Clinical importance, Future direction, References. The abstract should consist of four parts; background of Current knowledge on the subject, Hypothesis derivation from the current knowledge and Clinical importance and Future Research [word count - less than 300 words]. Minimum 4 keywords need to be included. In the manuscript, background should provide detail of current literature and possible lacunae in literature [word count - 500-800 words]. Hypothesis should include the details of the hypothesis, idea or modification in technique along with related positive and negative evidence [word count - 500-800 words]. Here the authors can provide an index example case, or details of a pilot study or instrument or procedure devised based on the hypothesis. Discussion should include the impact such hypothesis, or idea or technique will have on the current context of literature [word count - 500-1000 words]. Clinical importance should contain how the hypothesis will help improve the patient care and lastly future direction should provide a blue print on how the hypothesis should be approached for practically proving it and converting it into valid evidence. References should be number chronologically and in format with JMT guideline [not more than 25 references]. We encourage you to provide figures and diagrams and even videos to help prove the point. Total word count should not exceed 2500 words including the references and maximum number of figures and tables should be not more than 12. All hyothesis, ideas or opinons will undergo stringent peer review and will take aorund 3-6 month to be published. Article processing charges do apply to these publications and are as per JMT guidelines. For any other query please write to us at
Read the Editorial
Enhancing the Visibility and Impact of Medical Research Through the Journal of Medical Thesis
Sachin Kale, Ashok Kumar Shyam Murari
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The article submission Software is in place and JMT is now accepting thesis from all across the globe.
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JMT will maintain the open access policy and will continue to run with contribution from authors and donations from IORG
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