Enhancing the Visibility and Impact of Medical Research Through the Journal of Medical Thesis

Vol 10 | Issue 1 | January-June 2024 | page: 01-02 | Sachin Kale, Ashok Shyam


Author: Sachin Kale [1], Ashok Shyam [2]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, D Y Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Department of Orthopaedics, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Sachin Kale,
Department of Orthopaedics, D Y Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: sachinkale@gmail.com


As the Editors of the Journal of Medical Thesis we are privileged to present this edition, which not only highlights ground-breaking research but also addresses a critical gap in the academic landscape. Each year, more than six to seven thousand medical theses are produced, yet less than 10% of these valuable works find their way to publication. The Journal of Medical Thesis was created to bridge this gap, offering a platform for these theses to reach a wider audience and ensuring that the efforts of students and their mentors are recognized and rewarded.

The journal’s mission is to prevent the important research undertaken by medical students from languishing in obscurity. Instead of gathering dust in library archives, these theses can now contribute to the collective knowledge of the medical community. By publishing with us, authors ensure that their work is accessible, citable, and impactful, providing numerous advantages to both students and teachers alike.

Advantages of Publishing in the Journal of Medical Thesis:

▪️ Preservation of Work: Your thesis will not be forgotten in a library box but will instead be immortalized through publication, ensuring its availability to a global audience.

▪️Citations and Recognition: Publishing your thesis in our journal enables you to receive academic citations, thereby contributing to your academic reputation. Both the student and the mentor will gain recognition for their collaborative efforts.

▪️Wider Dissemination: The journal ensures that your research is widely dispersed, allowing your findings to reach a broader audience, thereby extending the impact of your work.

▪️ Ethical Justification: Sharing your research through publication also honour’s the cooperation of your patients, fulfilling an important ethical contract by ensuring that the knowledge gained is used for the greater good.

▪️Reduction of Plagiarism: With your thesis published online, the risk of plagiarism is significantly reduced. This transparency fosters the generation of higher-quality research in the future.

▪️Enhanced Validity: The peer review process at our journal further strengthens the validity and credibility of your thesis, adding value to your research.

▪️ Immortalizing First Research Efforts: The publication of theses allows for the immortalization of the first research endeavours of medical students and their faculty across the globe, serving as a lasting testament to their hard work and dedication.

The Journal of Medical Thesis is more than just a repository of academic work; it is a beacon that shines a light on the important research conducted by medical students. By providing a platform for these theses to be published, we are ensuring that the time, effort, and intellectual investment of both students and teachers do not go unrecognized. This journal also serves as a catalyst for the advancement of medical science, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and fostering a culture of academic integrity.

In closing, I encourage all students and their mentors to consider the value of publishing their theses. By doing so, you not only enhance your own academic credentials but also contribute to the global medical community. Together, we can ensure that no valuable research is lost and that the knowledge gained is shared for the betterment of all.


Dr Sachin Kale Dr Ashok Shyam

Editor, Journal of Medical Thesis (JMT)

How to Cite this Article: Kale S, Shyam A. Enhancing the Visibility and Impact of Medical Research Through the Journal of Medical Thesis. Journal Medical Thesis 2024 January-June ; 10(1):01-02.

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